Team > Christina Schwarz M.Sc.

Faculty of mathematics, physics & computer science
Chair of Scientific Computing
Christina Schwarz, M.Sc.
PhD student
Fields of research
- Scientific computing
- Numerical mathematics
- Boundary element method
- Hierarchical matrices
- Multigrid methods
- Ingenieurmathematik I, II, III, Assistant

Faculty of mathematics, physics & computer science
Chair of Scientific Computing
Schwarz, Christina
The principle of solving a mixed boundary value problem with the help of hierarchical matrices
ASIM WORKSHOP 2023, STS/GMMS/EDU : Kurzbeiträge & Abstract-Beiträge
Wien : Argesim Verlag, 2023. - page 31 . - (ASIM Mitteilung; 186)
doi:10.11128/arep.22 ...
Schwarz, Christina
Kernfusion - Die Lösung unserer Energieprobleme? Die mathematische Simulation als wichtiger Sch ...
Werbung für das Mathematik-Studium - Was kann man mit Mathematik alles machen?, Gymnasiums GCE, Bayreuth, Oberstufe (Q11, Q12)
Schwarz, Christina; Leleux, Philippe; Kühn, Martin J.; Rüde, Ulrich
Geometrisches Mehrgitterverfahren für die gyrokinetische Poisson-Gleichung mit Anwendung auf Ke ...
ASIM SST 2022 : Proceedings, Kurzbeiträge
Wien : ARGESIM Verlag, 2022. - page 73-76 . - (ASIM Mitteilung; 179)
doi:10.11128/arep.19 ...
Schwarz, Christina
The principle of solving a mixed boundary value problem from linear elasticity with the help of ...
ICNAAM 20th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Heraklion, Griechenland
Schwarz, Christina
Geometric multigrid for the gyrokinetic Poisson equation from fusion plasma applications
Erlangen, 2021. - 64 page
(master's thesis, 2022,

Faculty of mathematics, physics & computer science
Chair of Scientific Computing
Christina Schwarz M.Sc.
PhD Student
Office: FAN C, 0.40
Phone: 0921-55 7152